The AWS Marketplace Wiki.js image is a pre-configured environment, made by the developers of Wiki.js, containing everything you need to get started with Wiki.js.
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with the following software pre-installed:
Wiki.js requires at least the t3.micro instance size. The t3.nano instance type is not supported.
However, for best performance, we recommend using at least the t3.small or preferrably the c5.large instance size. Wiki.js use background processes for CPU intensive tasks (e.g. page rendering). Therefore, having at least 2 dedicated CPU cores will results in improved performance for such tasks.
It can take several minutes before the server starts accepting requests. Various services must initialize for the first time before you'll be able to access your wiki. If it doesn't load on first attempt, wait 5 minutes and try again.
You must complete the setup wizard (see Getting Started) BEFORE enabling Let's Encrypt!
docker stop wiki
docker rm wiki
and [email protected]
values with your own domain / sub-domain and the email address of your wiki administrator:docker create --name=wiki -e -e [email protected] -e SSL_ACTIVE=1 -e DB_TYPE=postgres -e DB_HOST=db -e DB_PORT=5432 -e DB_PASS_FILE=/etc/wiki/.db-secret -v /etc/wiki/.db-secret:/etc/wiki/.db-secret:ro -e DB_USER=wiki -e DB_NAME=wiki -e UPGRADE_COMPANION=1 --restart=unless-stopped -h wiki --network=wikinet -p 80:3000 -p 443:3443 requarks/wiki:2
docker start wiki
docker logs wiki
The process will be completed once you see the following lines in the logs:
(LETSENCRYPT) New certifiate received successfully: [ COMPLETED ]
HTTPS Server on port: [ 3443 ]
By default, requests made to the HTTP port will not be redirect to HTTPS. You can enable this option using these instructions:
Redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS
section, click on TURN ON to enable HTTP to HTTPS redirection.You can renew the certificate at any time from the Administration Area > SSL.
If your certificate has expired and you cannot load the wiki UI to renew it, simply restart the container:
docker restart wiki
The renewal process will run automatically during initialization.
This image comes with the Wiki.js Update Companion. This feature automates the upgrade process when a new version is available.
When a new version is available, you'll be notified in the Administration Area. To perform the upgrade, follow these simple instructions: